kiley adolph for congress

Meet Kiley

for Indiana’s 3rd District

Indiana is home to the most hardworking people you will ever meet. Indiana, at her core, is kind and caring. Indiana is made up of people who will do the right thing. In Indiana, family and faith are the foundation. Kiley knows this firsthand.

For Kiley, Indiana is home

Indiana field scene

Growing up in Indiana, Kiley was taught the value of hard work. Kiley was witness to service and sacrifice.

Kiley grew up in Indiana – on her country roads. Kiley comes from a family of farmers, teachers, members of law enforcement, and nurses – incredible hard working Americans.

Learning the value of hard work left a lasting impression on Kiley

Upon graduating from Angola High School, Kiley went on to attend her hometown University, Trine. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Kiley earned a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Southern California. Kiley also completed an Executive program at the Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership at Georgetown University. Filled with an unwavering desire to make an even greater impact in communities, Kiley then earned a Global Executive Doctoral Degree from the University of Southern California and completed a Women’s Leadership Program at the University of Oxford.

Bearing witness to service and sacrifice, at a young age, taught Kiley valuable life lessons. This foundation - this groundwork - led Kiley to pursue a career focused on helping and empowering others.

From teaching in the inner city, to professing at the University, to progressing the mission of a nonprofit, Kiley’s focus has been on the nation’s most precious and vital resource – its people.

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Throughout her career both in education and nonprofit sectors - in classrooms and communities - Kiley has been organizing and empowering people. Kiley has worked in partnership with community members, advocates, and leaders to create opportunities, connect efforts, and combat inequities.

kiley adolph for congress speaking engagements

Impact across communities

In elementary school classrooms, Kiley and her colleagues worked to ensure children were not only learning but were safe. At the University, Kiley developed leaders, from around the world, to affect change in their communities – in the places they call home. At the nonprofit, Kiley and her colleagues worked with and in communities in Indiana, and across the country, helping them transform for the future.

Kiley’s work has proven the power of partnerships by bringing members of business, industry, education, government and nonprofit together to move initiatives forward through purposeful action.

Kiley’s career has shown what she believes in - what she values - people. Kiley understands the power of people, the power of building coalitions, the power of developing communities, the power of progress, the power of empathy, the power of learning and growth.

kiley adolph for congress speaking panel discussion

Progress requires hope and hard work

To progress, important decisions must be made in the coming days, months, and years – decisions focused on sustaining our resources while fueling economic growth – continuing to strengthen our education systems and develop our workforce – enhancing enhance access to high quality care – ensuring women have the right to choose – advancing a stronger and more equitable economy - and maintaining and developing infrastructure.

Kiley understands the importance of these decisions - this work - tackling economic, immigration, choice, and care issues, supporting unions and small business, continuing to work with allies and protecting against aggressors abroad, developing the workforce, and strengthening education systems.

This important work for Indiana requires dedication and collaboration, two things Kiley knows well.

congressional race political campaign kiley for congress

Kiley understands this is more than a congressional race. This is an opportunity to bring people together to build an even better tomorrow for generations to come. As she has done throughout her career, Kiley will work to ensure policies are people centered. Kiley will continue her life’s work putting people first.

Kiley’s promise is simple. She will do the work. Kiley will work with the people and for the people.